When We Invest Our Grief into Heaven

It’s funny how we can miss people we never knew… 

It’s been 7 years since we lost our first baby. I’ll never forget the deep sense of faith I had that this 9-week-old baby that somehow planted in my Fallopian tube was going to make it out alive. That somehow I would live to tell the story of the first time an ectopic pregnancy had been saved. I genuinely would have put my entire life on it. 

Every year on this day, the creaky door of nostalgia laced with grief cracks open and I look back at all that God has done. 

I learned when we invest our grief into Heaven, it pays dividends… 

I learned the exchange of our broken hearts with His is what He meant when He said He’s near. 

I learned what I saw as a cemetery, He saw it as a ceremony. Waiting for me at the end of the aisle… Vowing that He would never leave me. 


The Shadow of The Cross


Trust is the Language of Heaven