The Envelope of Promise

 I imagined having Sarah, the mother of Issac, over for tea again.

As she sat down she handed me an envelope with the words “promises” on the front. I smirked because it was empty. She smiled and said, “You just wait.” The wind picked up and began to take the envelope with it. Sarah quickly snagged it, locked it back into my hands, and said “Don’t lose this, Elizabeth. It’s your life’s offering.” We moved from the front porch to the living room and as we sat down I apologized for the unexpected storm, after all, it was the middle of summer. She paused and softly responded... “No season is immune to storms but each season can be marked by sacrifice... if you let it.” ⁣

I’m learning that altars look a lot like empty envelopes, waiting to be surrendered so they can be filled, and that if I always place my hope where it belongs, I can’t ever lose it. I’m learning what I see as a sacrifice, Love sees as an offering. I’m learning that as the wind begins blowing, Heaven is whispering “You just wait.” ⁣


The Grieving Room


The Holiness of Disappointment