The Holiness of Disappointment

I imagined having Sarah, the wife of Abraham over for tea again today.

As she walked toward the front porch I heard her whisper “thank you.” I smiled, because I knew who she was thanking and I’ve always loved when thanksgiving is as natural as breathing...

We talked about disappointment and how it’s unavoidable and I exhaled a sigh of relief because for the first time it finally clicked at what sets the brave ones apart and it is how they walk through disappointment... Sarah refilled my ice tea to the point where it overflowed then softly said “Disappointment can be holy, if you let it be.” I smiled to be polite then realized she was right. There is something about allowing disappointment to run like a river through you, only to find it can overflow the ocean of faith inside of you, if you let it. I guess what I’m trying to say is disappointment transformed into radical Hope feels like a different type of Hope... the kind that resurrects dead dreams and gives us a new name. ⁣⁣

Sarah smirked at me and said “How do you think I got the name Sarah? Elizabeth, If you can trust him in the midst of disappointment, you can do anything.”⁣ 


The Envelope of Promise


Getting to Know His Heart