Tea with Sarah [The First Time]

Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to have Sarah, the mother of Isaac, over for tea.

I imagine I’d ask her how many pregnancy tests she’s peed on only to see a negative sign looking back at her. I imagine asking her which IVF doctor she’s considered and how her body responded to Clomid, Femera, trigger shots, progesterone, and all of the Chinese herbs and then I’d laugh because FINALLY, I could relate to somebody. Then she’d take the pot of tea and fill up my cup then go on to say something like “He’s the promise keeper, Elizabeth. If you can love Him in the waiting, you can do anything.” ⁣

There is something about waiting that brings us so desperately close to the Father... It’s this invitation to surrender and if we are brave enough to let go of our white knuckle grip on the dream, He’ll be scandalous enough to show us His love is the promise and NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, can top that.


Getting to Know His Heart