The Key to Bravery

She looked out the window with blurred vision and with tears rolling down her cheek said “I don’t feel like being brave today...” Then she paused and started thinking about Mary, the mother of Jesus... Going into labor in the most inconvenient of times and in the most inconvenient of places and she wondered if she said the same thing?⁣

Then she heard a soft voice, “I built the frame of a woman to be brave. It’s in you, because I’m in you.” She smiled because deep down she knew it was there. And she knew that sometimes the bravest thing you can do is just breathe. So she inhaled, paused, then exhaled. Maybe the point of being brave is not to get through hard things, but to have the opportunity to learn how to properly breathe? Maybe bravery is felt one breath after the next? Maybe that’s why we came from the rib? To breathe in syncs with His breath as a form of devotion... after all, the ribs protect the lungs and heart right? ⁣

Next time you don’t feel like being brave, just remember you’re not brave because of a mindset or because of what you are currently facing. You’re brave because you’re binding your breath with His... one at a time... and that alone is the bravest way to live your life.


He is Worth Trusting


Grieving to the Vine