He is Worth Trusting

Knock knock knock.

There she was, with her long black wavy hair resting on her collar bone… Sarah the Mother of Issac. Before I could even open the door to embrace her the tears began to fall.
As we hugged I instantly felt safe. The type of safe you only get from people you trust…
We talked into the evening and before we knew it we were sitting under a blanket of stars. I sipped my tea and while looking up at the sky said “I’ve always been jealous of the stars. I despise the way they have the nerve to shine so brightly despite being swallowed by the night day in and day out…”
She smiled and said “I see stories of trust scattered across the sky… Objects designed by the Father to reflect light to the ones who trust Him in the dark. I think we have more in common with the stars than we think…”
As she got up to leave she wrapped her maroon scarf around me, grabbed my face, and then said “Sometimes what we think is trying to swallow us whole is actually just squeezing the holy out. And what’s more holy than learning to trust our maker?”
As she shut the gate she looked at me then looked up and said “Let these drops of hope scattered across the sky remind you He’s worth trusting.”
And maybe that’s just it? That it’s the suffering weaved in with the abiding that teaches us to trust Jesus. And if that’s true then maybe that means on the other side of deep pain is deep joy. The type of joy that’s lavished on the ones who really trust Him…
He’s worth trusting, He’s worth trusting, He’s worth trusting… just ask the stars.




The Key to Bravery