

The word is everywhere right now and it just feels so unbearably heavy. So how does one carry other burdens when the current weight of the world consumes all the space one human heart can take? ⁣

This morning as I sat next to my son listening to machines monitor his vitals I began to cry. “Not again Lord… now is not the time.” I guess when you take a step back and see the macro scale of war then start narrowing in on all the mini wars going on within your own microscopic life, it can feel overwhelming… ⁣

Then the machines began going off again indicating his pulse was stabilizing and I asked the Lord “If I were to take your pulse, what would I see?” ⁣

A few hours later I opened my bible app and on the screen popped up Psalm 68. ⁣

⁣The Lord deserves praise! Day after day he carries our burden, the God who delivers us. Our God is a God who delivers; the LORD, the sovereign Lord, can rescue from death. (Verse 19-20)⁣

I guess what I’m trying to say is that the pulse of Heaven is always steady and at rest, eager to carry our burdens (if we let it). The heavy unbearable ones like war and the chronically surrendered ones like disease. And I’m learning that as we lean into the moments that feel like too much, we’ll find Him there waiting… ready to exchange His yoke with ours… ⁣

⁣I’ll end it on this- I think these are the moments when wells of trust are dug deep into who we are… and I know that I know that I know one day we will look back and say “He is worth trusting.”


Expiring Dreams


He is Worth Trusting