To the One Who Feels Unsteady

To the one who feels unsteady,

I see you calling out for help only to hear the echo of your own voice. I see your overflowing schedule suffocating your ability to pour into passions. I see the tide turning in your relationships and the weight that it had on you. 

I’m here to tell you just because life looks a lot different than you expected or maybe even hoped for, that His friendship is as secure as the sunrise. And the warmth of His new mercies is the surest thing for a life all knotted up in grief and constant change. And sometimes the silence of stability exists to enhance the loudness of our human limitations.

So when we find ourselves being critical in the name of self defense and insecurity, let us remember it is impossible for gratitude and entitlement to coexist. And if ‘thank you’ is the password into His presence, let us mean it even when our voice shakes. 

The unpredictable waves of life have a beautiful and humble way of keeping our dependence in Him, if we allow it. So do not despise this season, beloved. It's a garden of faith worth watering.


To the Person Who Feels Shaken


Loneliness is a Fork in the Road