To the Person Who Feels Shaken

To the person who feels like the surest thing they knew has been shaken, it’s okay to feel the sorrow that comes with that. 

Because just like that tides turn and seasons shift and people change. Though there may still be sickness and pain, you know for better or worse His vow to never leave is imbedded in yesterday and tomorrow and because of that you can get up and move forward.

Because maybe waiting IN the Lord looks more like wrapping ourselves in a blanket than knocking on a door wondering if anybody is home and will answer. And maybe a renewed strength looks more like gazing at His face instead of His hand. And maybe soaring high on wings like eagles isn’t a neurotransmitter response but is the fruit of abiding in the waiting and the uncertain waters of life. 

And as we come to unexpected forks in the road with hands full of unanswered prayers, maybe the question isn’t “which way do I go? but maybe it’s “who do I need You to be in this moment?” Knowing that His multifaceted provision is on the other side of that question. 

If you cling to anything today cling to this; though life changes, the nature of Jesus does not.


Tears are Prayers Waiting to be Liberated


To the One Who Feels Unsteady